I’m doing a training today for Jillian Murphy’s Infinity program.
Jillian was a mentor of mine and I loved working with her. She truly is the Sales Queen.
Jillian’s deeper purpose is to “Be Her Now”
She’s got it tattooed on her arm.
She’s sold tons of merch with this phrase in giant letters for women across the world to rep and embody.

In preparation for the training I asked her to send me one audio message of what it means to, “Be Her Now.” Here’s what she said
Be Her Now is really about embodying the future version of yourself today. If you want to be a better mom, be a better mom today. If you want to be a better wife, be a better wife today. It’s really about whatever you want that future version of yourself to be, start being her now.
Or if you have a goal to something like, a million dollar earner, speaking on stages, Forbes under 30, what do you have to do or who do you have to be today to make that happen? >
This is exactly what I wrote about last week.
By committing to being the BEST version of your highest identities and values in real life and by committing to sharing the process of becoming that person on social media you HAVE TO BE even more of the person you truly want to be, otherwise, you’re out of integrity. With consistent action on these two commitments—before you know it—your life and business has transformed.
For example:
My core deeper purpose and highest value is not living a life of regrets.
If I have a deep desire to run a 100 mile ultra marathon, but all I do is sit behind my desk and work, am I really in integrity with myself and my values? What am I waiting for?
The first layer is being in integrity with yourself and actively pursuing your dream life with no more excuses.
The second layer is by committing to sharing my deeper purpose with my followers. A life of no regrets. If I continue to share that with my followers, but all I do is sit behind my desk and work, even though I have a desire to run a 100 mile ultra marathon, am I really building trust with you? Or am I just speaking empty words?
How about my identity that’s related to my business? Storytelling.
I can sit here and tell you how to tell better stories. But what about my personal pursuit of becoming the best storyteller? How am I actively pursuing those goals? That is the content I can be making.
The best part of this isn’t growing my business though.
It’s doing more of what I love and in the process becoming exactly who I want to be TODAY.
It’s for me. It’s always for ME first.
Remember, you are in control of the narrative. I’m not asking you to film ever aspect of your life. You can pursue goals and not share it; but I promise you if you commit to sharing what you’re pursuing (especially as it relates to your business) you are going to be way more thoughtful about your commitment to those goals, your next step, your mindset (less excuses and more problem solving) because you WANT to show up as a leader for your audience and you WANT to show them that you fucking did it!!
Please note. It’s great to want to do things for you AND it’s also great to want praise and to be recognized. The only problem with wanting to be recognized is when you shame yourself for wanting to be recognized. Learn to love the part of you who wants to be seen for your greatness.
Making this “Be Her Now” content, or as I called it last week, “HIMothy” content, is ONE type of content that you can make that will enhance your storytelling abilities and build deep connection with your audience. I am covering the other 3 styles in next weeks live training (if you want to attend, all you have to do is click here and I’ll take care of the rest).
More Ideas
On top of the two examples I shared last week, here are a few more examples to get your wheels spinning.
Sam is the most famous example of this and has reset expectations for all creators. With his 3+ million followers in less than a year, all he does is make long ass Vlogs. You sit with him for his 10 minute car ride on the way to the gym. Then another 30+ minutes of him in the gym. Then 10 more minutes on his car ride home. Or he might do a whole 40 minute video of him grocery shopping. Almost no cuts or fancy edits. He just shares his experience in the pursuit of his next body building competition (and all the life stuff that comes with it).
This young kid has blown the fuck up. At the beginning of the year he committed to doing an ice bath everyday until Christmas. He blew up and people love watching the journey. He has stalled out a bit because he’s missing one thing which is sharing about the journey. If he started doing what Jordan Ferrone does and share insights or his feelings, instead of time lapsing his experience, he’d be fucking crushingggg it.
Here is this couples bio:
🎥We document our journey becoming digital nomads
📍Checking off our Europe bucketlist by train
They have 83,000+ followers because people love watching their journey, want to be apart of it AND wish they were doing it. They even committed to making $10k/mo before quitting their jobs, but guess what. They quit their jobs before getting there. Why? Because they built trust in themselves (and a following) in the process. They became (and are always becoming) the people they dream of being. They don’t need the money to live the life they want. (don’t forget we get to love the part of ourselves who does want massive wealth 😌)
The remote concept and their whole account is explained in this post.
Your Turn
You don’t have to commit to achieving something and post EVERY DAY. It can be weekly updates too. Find a groove that works for you.
However you choose to share it, first remember to do this for yourself first and then commit to sharing it. When you share it, you will have doubled down on your commitment and as I said earlier, you’ll be 10 times more thoughtful about your process and build massive trust with your audience along the way.
Where to start?
Pick a goal that you’ve been putting off.
- If you’re a breathwork coach you can commit to almost anything and use breathwork as your source for moving through fear, blocks and identity shifts.
- If you’re a manifestation coach, go manifest something!
- If you’re a personal trainer, sign up for a competition or race.
- If you’re a realtor, go sell the biggest house of your life.
- If you’re a business coach and a mom, launch a product while taking care of the family.
I have ideas for days. I’d love to support you in finding a path that works for you. Join the training and we’ll have time at the end so I can support you.
Final note. You are in control of the narrative. You get to share as much or as little as you want. I also challenge you to challenge yourself a little. As Chris Williamson says, “the magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.”
A Business Note
None of this work matters without a solid business foundation. Followers don’t equal $$ if you don’t know how to convert them.
I am not saying all these creators are making tons of money. However, if they have a good understanding of the message they are sharing, the people they are attracting, and their client journey, they definitely could.
I can’t wait to see you at the training next week.
Click here and I’ll add you to the list.
See ya thurrrr (Chingy played a concert in my city a few weeks ago, don’t mind me)
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