Growth is for leaders who want to expand their reach by turning their unique ideas into captivating content, tell beautiful stories and connect deeper with their audience.

Look Inside


Become a Member


I’m willing to bet you’ve had at least one of these thoughts…

“I am really good at what I do, why aren’t my DMs blowing up with clients?

“I’m sick of spending 2 hours on a Reel that gets 10-30 likes and no comments."

“I have been giving away incredible content, but still nobody is buying 😖“

I have so many great ideas but struggle to turn them into effective content 😓”

“Everyone says to ‘niche down’ but I’m a multi-passionate person and I don’t want to!!!”

I’m sick of NEEDING to launch to sign on clients 😭 

You started your business because you love what you do, but now you dread making content.

Content is simply talking about the thing you love from the heart.

Let's get back to that!

is built on 3 foundations:


Reach new followers who are so excited they found you 


Turn dream followers into paying customers


Mastering your messaging is the ultimate personal development tool

Growth will teach you how to stand out and expand your reach by helping you turn your unique ideas into captivating content. You will learn the art of storytelling so you can tell beautiful stories and deeply connect deeper with your audience.

In Growth, you will be given effective tools and trainings to master your messaging, but ultimately YOU will uncover the best and most powerful version of you and your messaging.
  • What content do YOU love to create?
  • What is the most energizing and fun for YOU?
  • How do YOU want to show up?

As you learn how to effectively and efficiently show up as the most fun and energizing version of you, your GROWTH is unstoppable.

Marketing is not about:

The truth is… marketing is stressing you out because nothing about it feels like YOU.

Sticking yourself in a niche and feeling like you're stuck in a box

Hiding the your other passions in life because someone told you "that doesn't fit your niche"

Constantly telling your audience "how to" achieve their goals but feeling like nobody is listening

Not trusting yourself to say what you really want to say and ultimately feeling like you're doing and saying what everyone else is doing and saying

Or worst of all… hunting down trending audio and praying to go viral

To create raving fans like Nike, Apple, or Taylor Swift who will buy anything you put out requires you to be FULLY YOU!


You no longer dread making content. You are ENERGIZED & EXCITED about your ideas and can't wait to hit post!

You’re getting new DREAM clients following everyday from your latest post and comments like, "you're in my head!"

You feel powerful and confident sharing your unique perspectives and your audience is asking for more!

You're seen as a thought leader in your space as more followers pour in who all tell you, “My best friend told me I HAD TO follow you!”

When you post about your new offer your audience JUMPS on it. You don’t even have to send a single DM to hit your signup goal.

Your posts are building deep connections with your audience. You feel alive because you are finally building your dream!

You are telling powerful stories that deeply connect you with your audience. Social media is feeling like a BEAUTIFUL space to play.

I’m Ready to Join Now!

“My engagement and views on my profile has doubled and he’s allowed me to be my complete self.” 

Brian cullum
full time traveler and life coach

Here’s what you get inside

LIVE Coaching with Matt: To ensure you're supported every single step of the way, you'll get LIVE coaching sessions with Matt every weeks. We'll explore your challenges, hone in your messaging, create fun and aligned content, and clarify your path forward.

Educational Modules & Trainings: You will get access to pre-recorded videos designed to support you in your Growth. Everything from learning which content converts current followers into clients to launching your next offer we cover topics requested by you, and our community.

Scripts, Frameworks, and Examples: Modules & Trainings are supported by scripts, and frameworks so you can plug and play your messaging into any piece of content whether it’s a Reel, TikTok, e-mail, podcast, YouTube video, etc. Matt will also provide examples of how he has implemented a concept as well as providing other top creators content so you have no shortage of inspiration!

Content Reviews: You have the opportunity to submit content for an in depth review and feedback by Matt! You can submit your content, whether it's something you're working on or you've already posted it, and receive a recordings of the review so you can listen at your leisure. Submit anything from posts, sales pages to podcast outlines - Matt will help with all your messaging!

Community & Chat: You are not alone! Join your fellow entrepreneurs as you grow you business to new heights. We utilize Circle (check out the sneak peak here) so you can get feedback, ask questions, celebrate wins and connect & collaborate with other entrepreneurs to support your expansion. 

Take a sneak peak inside of Growth


🌱 Personal Growth, Audience Growth, Business Growth
That is forever the mission.


I’m Ready to Join Now!

“It took me 3 weeks to sell out my first launch!”


The GROWTH Guarantee

Join and get full access to LIVE coaching, private workshops, content reviews, and a the community. If you don’t feel like you are seeing results, get a full refund at the end of your 90 days.

Try the workshops, show up to the group coaching calls, and dive deep into the content. If you’re not satisfied, no hard feelings. We want the best for you - whatever you decide that is!

“I went form seeing a blur around my work to have a clear message around my ideas and knowledge.”


All live coaching sessions are recorded and will be available for you to watch at your convenience. You won’t miss out on any content!

How long do I have access to the workshops?

How long do I have access to the workshops?

As long as you’re enrolled in the membership, you'll have access to all the workshops and content. This includes all past workshops and new ones released each month.

how much time per week does this require?

how much time per week does this require?

The goal is to shorten the time it takes you to create incredible content while also learning to fall in love with what you create. I always remind my clients, Nike and Apple don’t put off their marketing as something that’d be nice to do or an after thought. It’s one of the core reasons they are as successful as they are. This gets to be a big part of your business that sets you apart.

Having said that, personally I set aside a minimum of 4 hours a week toward my marketing (including posting 5x/week on IG and a weekly newsletter).



Ultimately this is not about hunting down trending songs, going viral and growing a following for ego sake. This is about evolving as the most powerful version of you inside and outside your business while unleashing your most fun and creative self.

why is my only option to sign up quarterly?

why is my only option to sign up quarterly?

I imagine you want to be an entrepreneur for a few more decades. Then it’s worth learning the skills of effective marketing so you can successfully market whatever you do over the next few decades. You may have tried a lot of content strategies that haven’t worked. No more gimmicks. Just like going to the gym for a month won’t tell you much about your progress… only posting content for a month also won’t tell you much about your messaging. Like all things in life, this work requires a consistent sustained practice to helps you reach your goals.


LIVE Coaching with Matt

LIVE coaching sessions with Matt every week

Focused Workshops

Pre-recorded videos designed to support you in your Growth

Scripts, Frameworks
and Examples

Plug and play scripts and examples from top creators

Content Reviews

Submit content for an in depth review and feedback by Matt

Community & Chat

Get feedback, ask questions, celebrate wins and connect & collaborate

Cohort Courses

Get big tasks DONE together!