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No Gimmicks. Just powerful storytelling.

    HIMothy: The one style of content to rule them all

    It’s not that you are either growing your business or building connection. You’re always doing both because you are always telling a story… even if you don’t realize it.

    That’s what we humans do. We create stories to fit the narrative of our world views.

    You know this already.

    This email will be all about how to do both, extremely effectively, all at once. (more bang for your buck with every post, yes please)

    I just started launching my next free training last week. Maybe some of you saw my first announcement. It look like this:

    Guess what?


    That’s right. ZERO. ZILCH. NADA!

    I could look at that and say, “see… after 4 years of building my online business still nobody gives a fuck.” You can imagine how the rest of my launch would go if I continued to tell that story and convince myself that was true.

    Instead, I looked over at my whiteboard which says,

    and saw my zero signups as a lesson.

    Then I met the part of myself who created a title for a training that IS NOT what my audience wants from me or what I want to be remembered for. The title was stemming from this old scared version of Matt who names his trainings out of fear, not love and trust that storytelling is what people really want and a place for me to be a leader in this space.

    Creating a title from fear repelled people. Even my biggest fans who would probably sign up for anything… didn’t sign up for this title.

    So it’s true. You agree because you can probably think of a time you did this to yourself. We create stories to fit the narrative of our world views. You make up a story that simply ain’t true, but you convince yourself it’s true because it fits the narrative you have created about yourself; and the world you know is a safe world.

    My world view is knowing all “bad things” are simply opportunities to return to wholeness.

    All moments then, get to be one where I improve and learn from old mistakes (the biggest mistake I have made is making decisions where I don’t trust myself… hence the whiteboard reminder)

    Just a Reminder

    If you missed my story, I wanted to share this bit of info with you.

    MrBeast just tweeted:

    In case you don’t know who MrBeast is. He’s one of the top YouTubers of all time

    Storytelling baby. “VIEWS HAVE SKYROCKETED!!”

    I’m telling you it’s the thing. I see more and more people doing it.

    I want you to get on top of this trend before it’s the standard way of making content (​which it soon will be​) and it doesn’t have to be as hard as you think.

    That’s what I’m going over in my next live training, which you can join by clicking here​.

    I’m Him

    Do you know the Gen Z saying, “You are Him”

    It means you are the chosen one.

    This statement is nonbinary as explained by Gen Z (sorry cant find the TikTok video I wanted, but you know how to use Google). No matter your pronoun, you can be Him.

    It’s simply a recognition of you embodying your boldest truth and standing in that truth.

    If someone recognizes you as Him, you may also be called things like, Himothy, Himmy Neutron, Himmy Buffet, Him Halpert, Him Kardashiain, Him Possible, and so on.

    There is a new style of content I want to present to you and it’s around this exact idea.

    You. Are. Him.

    The content is being EXACTLY who you say you are (and probably who you tell your clients to be).

    This content is the ultimate form of storytelling, connecting building, educational and social proof all in one. It’s the GOAT content.

    There are 4 ways to create this type of content and in this email I am going to break down the best way so you can take action right away. The other 3 ways will be taught in my next training, ​sign up here.​

    HIMothy Content

    If I say I am a storyteller, I can’t just sit here and teach you how to tell stories, I should be telling great stories.

    But that’s not quite being Him.

    Being Him is entering a storytelling contest and sharing the experience as I go through it.

    Being Him is joining toastmasters and attempting to win the World Championship of Public Speakers (I literally just googled this an hour ago. The 2022 theme was Storytelling!!) and sharing the experience.

    It’s not about winning it.

    It’s about doing more of the things you love and sharing whatever the results are.

    Who do you trust more?

    🅰️ The coach who tells you how to achieve your goals?

    🅱️ Or the coach who is actively challenging themself to achieve great things and shows you the good and bad of the pursuit?

    It’s not about achieving great things in you life. It’s about being the person who chases greatness.

    This is a chance for you to stop fucking waaaaaiting to make more money or to have more time and go do the damn thing!!!!

    A sick side effect: It will grow your business.

    Here are 2 examples 👇

    Damian The Fatass

    Watch as Damian goes from ​“Dad to Chad”​ in 200 days.

    Damian’s primary platform is YouTube with 1.46 million subscribers where, of course, he has longer videos on this theme. He probably monetizes from YouTube adsense (and ads in his videos?), his cookbook and other training books.

    As we watch him chase his first ever bodybuilding competition we will learn from him, his mindset and his training. We will learn a lot about nutrition too and guess whose nutrition book we will buy?

    If he ever drops a “Train for your first body building show” ebooks, lots of people will buy it.

    And if he wants to make an easy $5k (which he probably doesn’t), he could open 1 spot for 1:1 fitness coaching and easily sell it.

    HE is the social proof.

    He is Him.

    Hyu Kawabe

    He’s a videography who has gone from 1,986 followers to now ~~4,730~~ 4,921 (had to update this before I sent this email) in less than 2 weeks. All because of his new series, “​Day X of Running a Videography Business​” (he’s on day 12)

    Watch a few of his videos. We see…

    • How he preps for his shoots
    • What he’s shooting
    • How he’s organizing his business
    • Hiring an editor
    • Strategizing with client
    • His mindset and conversations with his mom

    I have no doubt as he builds authority he can do so much with his following.

    He definitely doesn’t need to become a business coach coaching other videographers.

    He will probably get more clients.

    He could probably sell LUTs (which is a preset or “filter” for videographers)

    He could even sell merch as a certain point.

    Options will be endless with this path and he can make money that supports his dream lifestyle.

    Some ideas for you

    If you noticed, I started the email with a version of this. Maybe not as big as these two creators, but I told you about my launch, what was going wrong and how I fixed it IN REAL TIME (because I’m in the middle of launching now, hence all the CTAs to join the training).

    You may already be in the middle of being Him. Record the BTS and tell the story.

    If not, here are some ideas to get you thinking.

    Please note, this is not something you have to post about EVERY day like the examples. Weekly updates would be effective too.

    • Community Builder: Go build the best community in your city
    • Spiritual Email Marketer: Try to double your list in 3 months
    • Manifesting Coach: Manifest something in 30-90 days
    • Painter: Try to get your work in the hottest studio in town
    • Writer: Enter a short story content

    Remember, the whole point is that you take us through the good and the bad. What’s going well and where are you struggling? How are you adjusting your strategy and your mindset?

    Knowing you have to share this stuff with people will exponentially improve your results, I promise you.

    And remember, you got this.

    Because you are Him.

    I hope to see you at the ​Simplified Storytelling Strategy​ training.

    I love you.


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